Hey there!

Landing pages… They used to be simple and ugly…

Then, they got ‘pretty’ and design-laden…

🚀 And now, the ones converting are simple and ugly again!

A quick aside…

A ‘landing page’ is any page people land on from paid ads, content marketing, social traffic, etc…

So, a landing page could be a lead magnet optin, sales page, webinar registration page, etc…  It all depends on how you use them.

We’ve got a 90-day “Launchpad Accelerator” that we’ll be releasing in the next few days that’ll take you from “Idea to Income” in 3 short months, and a lot of that action will take place on landing pages…

So, to prepare you for it, I dug up this 27-point Checklist filled with our best landing page secrets!

… This is all the stuff we use to ensure the pages we set up have the best chance of converting – barring any design feedback or copy tweaks that are sent back to us.

Click here >>

Whether using landing pages to grow your email list, register folks for a killer webinar, or drive sales, our 27-point Checklist is your golden ticket. 🎟️

We delve into everything from crafting irresistible headlines to using psychological triggers that encourage visitors to take action.

But why does this matter?

Well, we’ve seen so many landing pages that are pleasing to the eye but don’t quite hit the mark regarding conversions. We want to help you bridge that gap. With our Checklist, you can confidently launch landing pages optimized to turn visitors into subscribers, registrants, and customers.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside:

  • The secret to using customer language to resonate with your audience.
  • Tips on creating a compelling headline that grabs attention instantly.
  • The art of the perfect call to action – it’s more than just a button!

And there’s so much more waiting for you. 🌟

But wait, there’s a cherry on top! 🍒 Click the link below to download this incredible Checklist in a handy PDF format. Keep it by your side for every landing page you create.

Download the 27-Point Landing Page Checklist Now.

Our goal is to help you create landing pages and experiences that your visitors can’t resist. So, are you ready to revolutionize your approach and see your conversion rates soar?

Let’s make those landing pages not just pretty but pretty darn practical!

Talk soon!

— Jason

PS. If you are looking to scale online, there are a few things you can do right now to get started: