For years, I bought course after course, program after program, and diligently watched every launch that came up…

I was on everyone’s email list, attended as many conferences as I could, and spent months in the summer on a plane more than in a car.

I did what I was supposed to do…

I learned.

I networked.

I executed.

Then, something happened.

I remember it as clear as day.

I was looking at my email inbox and calendar, and a thought suddenly came to me:

… Am I doing this because I want to or because I’ve put myself in a position where it’s expected of me?

The truth?

It was because it was expected of me—those affiliate relationships, those courses, those events, and all the traveling—that I thought that’s what I needed to do.

All the training I went through?

They were meant to show me a business model I didn’t like.

Why sit in an event that makes you question every business decision you’ve ever made and encourages you to restructure everything?

The affiliate offers.

Do those help my audience, my people, move forward?

After ditching everything that didn’t matter, a tremendous amount of clarity set in…

Rather than learn from courses, I started buying traffic and learning through action.

Rather than traveling nationwide ‘networking’ and attending events, I travel and hang out at home with my family.

Rather than building my business based on someone else’s model, I do what our clients and customers need me to do.

The lesson here:

You do you.

Play by your rules, do your thing, sell what you want to sell, and build your business the way you want to build it.

We don’t play by someone else’s rule book…

We play by our rule book, which we know is based on stats and data we can measure.

… Stats from our campaigns and stats from our clients.

Today, I invite you to see what that means for your business.

When you click the link below, you can apply for a FREE Action Plan Call by filling out a simple form and telling us about your business…

Click Here To Schedule A Call >>

On the call, we’ll discuss your business, offers, and marketing.

We’ll assemble an Action Plan designed to move you forward quickly. We’ll combine a sales method that suits your offer with a traffic strategy.

The call is free, but spaces are limited, so you must contact us fast.

This isn’t about selling you a course you don’t need or putting you into some mastermind program that you won’t get any value from…

We take a serious look at what you’re trying to do online and recommend a clear, concise strategy for streamlining your sales process.

Now, if you’re asking what’s in it for us…  That’s a good question.

The answer is two-fold.

First, we enjoy these calls. I love delving into business models and creating sales and marketing plans.

Secondly, while we’re very selective about who we work with, we’ve got a few project openings in the next few months.

Click Here To Apply For An Action Plan Call >>

To be clear, though, thousands of people are receiving this email.

We’ll likely run out of availability in the next few days, so sign up now!

Talk soon,
