Need A Hand?

I was talking to a good friend on the phone... His market is similar to mine in that the company he heads up serves course creators and authors. He told me

No More Sitting On The Sidelines

If you're tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone pass you by... Feeling bad because you're comparing yourself to your entrepreneurial friends who seem like they're doing so damn well

Such Simple Sales Copy…

There are lots of ways to sell your product or service online... Video sales letters. Tripwires. Long-form sales letters. Multi-page sales letters. Webinars. It depends on your market, how much you're

The FASTEST Way To Get Sales Online

Video #3 is live! It's all about following a simple two-step sales process, getting your first sale, and successfully 'testing' your offer in a real-world setting. Click here to watch the video

Quick Question

Hey! What are you focusing on the most right now regarding growing your business?  (choose one) After you click, there's a little video presentation on the other side that shares what we've